About us
About us

Counselling for mid-tier businesses

Our team

Every day we work with our heart and mind for our clients because auditing and tax consulting are highly complex areas that are constantly changing. For us, it is not enough to do our job well. We want to excel at it.

Medium-sized partner at eye level

We are helped in our efforts by the experiences gained through our cooperation with large and medium-sized lawyer's societies. Their continuous work on major projects results in a wealth of know-how and experience, which can be excellently applied to our work for medium-sized firms – our specialist field, not least because we ourselves are a medium-sized firm. Therefore, we know all the potential problems. And all the solutions.

Our experience – Your advantage

Since we know exactly what it is like to establish, manage and expand a company, we also know exactly how to meet the concerns of our clients. Hence, we can offer you truly holistic advice and can lead you out of unprecedented problems with a steady hand.
We see ourselves not only as auditors and tax consultants, but also as partners and trouble-shooters. Or, as you can see from our name, as conscientious advisers. i.e. COUNSELlors.


Well advised by individual specialists

Our medium-sized auditing and tax consultation firm was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in the North of Germany, in the beautiful Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg. In 2020, we also established a branch office in Wolfenbüttel. With our team of around 70 employees, we offer individual consultation for all tax and business administration related matters. The areas in which we specialise are, among others, Corporate Transactions (M&A) including Due Diligence and Business Valuation, any issues related to Real Estate, Reorganisation Tax Law and International Tax Law.

High demands on ourselves

Our aim is not simply to sell our clients a one-size-fits-all solution. No, we want experts to deal with every matter, so that each small detail is taken into account. Even if it merely concerns the annual statement of accounts of a firm, the financial accounting or the tax declaration. Highest possible professional competence combined with sure instinct, foresight, entrepreneurial thinking and a large dose of passion for what we do. This is what makes us real partners.


Our team

Kai An­der­sen Diplom-Kaufmann  Wirtschaftsprüfer/Steuerberater

Kai Andersen

Auditor/Tax adviser
Dieter Biastoch - Wirtschaftsprüfer/Steuerberater

Dieter Biastoch

Auditor/Tax adviser
Mi­cha­el Vo­ge­ler, Diplom-Kaufmann, Wirtschaftsprüfer/Steuerberater

Michael Vogeler

Auditor/Tax adviser/Specialist adviser for company succession (DStV e.V.)

Arndt Ochs

Auditor/Tax adviser
Jut­ta Wil­kens, Diplom-Betriebswirtin (FH), Wirtschaftsprüferin/Steuerberaterin

Jutta Wilkens

Auditor/Tax adviser
Tön­jes Lan­ge­mann, Diplom-Kaufmann, Steuerberater

Tönjes Langemann

Auditor/Tax adviser
Da­ni­el Pfaff, Diplom-Kaufmann, Steuerberater

Daniel Pfaff

Tax adviser/Certified tax adviser for international tax law
Roeper_neu_Team _q

Daniela Röper

Lawyer/Tax Adviser
Rolf Ber­ger, Diplom-Kaufmann, Steuerberater

Rolf Berger

Tax adviser
Kat­ja Lehmann, Diplom-Kauffrau (FH), Steuerberaterin

Katja Lehmann

Tax adviser/Specialist adviser for company succession (DStV e.V.)
Madlen Tischmeyer, Steuerberaterin

Madlen Tischmeyer

Tax adviser
Clau­dia Schmidt, Steuerberaterin

Claudia Schmidt

Tax adviser
Hen­ri­ke Groth, Master of Arts, Steuerberaterin

Henrike Gregor

Tax adviser
Anja Kna­ke, Master of Science, Steuerberaterin

Anja Knake

Tax adviser
Gun­nar Emde, Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), Steuerberater

Gunnar Emde

Tax adviser/Specialist adviser for company succession (DStV e.V.)
Nadine Blunk, Steuerberaterin

Nadine Blunk

Tax adviser

Katharina Lübke

Tax Adviser

Miriam Bieber

Tax Adviser

Anna Pekalski-Navatta

Tax Adviser

Inga Franzen

Tax Adviser

Simon Stehr

Tax Adviser
Martina Schulte, Steuerberaterin

Martina Schulte

Tax adviser
Fabian Borchers, Steuerberater

Fabian Borchers

Tax adviser
Marcel Washausen, Steuerberater

Marcel Washausen

Tax adviser
Wegner Team 1

Rico Wegner

Tax adviser

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